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The name  Leprechaun comes from the Irish for shoe maker, Leath Bhrogan. They are small elderly men who have been described as Irelands national fairy

Leprechauns have become guardians of ancient treasure. They bury the treasure in crocks or pots. This is the reason why they tend to avoid contact with humans whom they regard as foolish, greedy creatures

If caught by a human a Leprechaun will promise the human great wealth in return for his freedom. This is why Leprechans carry with them two leather pouches in one of them is a silver coin which will magically return to it's pouch each time it is paid out to a human. In the other pouch is a gold coin which can be used by the Leprechaun to bribe his way out of tricky situations. However once he gives the gold coin to a human it will turn into leaves or ashes

Never take your eyes off a Leprechan as he can vanish in an instant!




Grogochs are half human, half Fairy. They used to be from Kintyre in Scotland but decided to settle in Ireland instead. They resemble elderly old men, but covered in course, dense reddish hair or fur. They wear no clothes, but they do sport an assortment of twigs and dirt from their travels. Grogochs are not known for their personal hygiene. There are no records of female Grogochs

Grogochs make their homes in caves or hollows. In many parts of the northern countyside there are large leaning stones which are known as Gorochs houses

Gorochs are very sociable beings, but have the power of invisibility and will only allow people they trust to see them. The will sometimes attach themselves to one person and help them with chores such as planting and harvesting or household tasks in return for payment of a jug of cream





Merrow comes from the Irish word for sea, moruadh and oigh meaning maid. The name refers to the females. Males are rarely seen. They have been described as very ugly and scaled with pig like features and long pointed teeth. However in their dealings with humans they are very beautiful
A Merrow differs from humans in that their feet are flatter and they have a thin webbing between their fingers
Merrows wear special clothing to allow them to travel through the oceans currents. In Kerry, Cork and Wexford they wear a small red cap made of feathers called a cohullen druith.  However in more northerly waters they travel through the sea wearing cloaks that give them the appearance of seals
In order to come ashore she abandons her cloak, but if it is found by a human she cannot return to the sea until she gets it back. By hiding her cloak in the thatches of his house a fisherman can persuade a Merrow to marry him. Such wives often become very wealthy however the urge to return to the sea is so great that they will recover their cloaks and return to the sea leaving her husband and children behind


